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We Need Police Officers. From Recruits to the Chief of Police.

We Need EMS/Paramedics 

Become a Mechanic and help us out.

Get $100k in game money and a Realistic FREE Car if you join our Discord


Daves Store
Advertise Here
Daves Store
Daves Store
Daves Store

We Need Police Officers. From Recruits to the Chief of Police.

We Need EMS/Paramedics 

Become a Mechanic and help us out.

Get $100k in game money and a Realistic FREE Car if you join our Discord


Daves Store
Advertise Here
Daves Store

Choose a Different Business

Located: (Depends)

Owned By: (YOU)


If you Don't like what business we got on offer, you can add a different business but depends on these circumstances and at your own cost.


We Got All MLOs From GABZ so Click Here to find what we got on offer, but we do not have any other job scripts, if you like one of GABZ MLOs then tell us which one and we can add it to the server, but you will need to buy the Job Script it must be Open Source as Escrow wll not work on our server if its under your name, but you can give us the money for the Script and add it to our Escrow, But if you buy an Open Source just make sure it's for QB Core Framework and For the Newest Version.


Don't like GABZ MLOs then thats ok you can even find a Free one or buy one but again it must be open source and if its an escrow then you can give us the money to buy it for you


We won't buy anymore Job Scripts or MLOs, not intill our next update.


If you find one but please note it can't replace another business.




You will find the latest information about our company here...

You will find the latest information about our company here...

You will find the latest information about our company here...